Theta Healing clears out negative subconscious programs
Often we don’t even realize that these negative programs are held in our subsconscious. Why is that? If every memory that is stored in our cells and DNA at a subconscious level could be felt by us now, it would overwhelm us. It would be like running every appliance etc in your house at once…the circuits breakers would trip and you’d have no power. Therefore the subconcious acts as a protective mechanism for us. After I took my basic Theta Healing training I called Janis my instructor to have her do a Theta Healing for me so I could experience this energy healing. After she tuned in to my energy she asked if I was angry at anyone. I thought for a moment and said not really. She asked “What about your brother?” I said we used to fight a lot years ago but we talk regularly. She asked for permission to pull this residual anger. After I said yes please, she was quiet for about 10 minutes and said “WOW there was a lot to be resolved.” So when you feel stuck at some level, or in a negative mood for no clear reason, chances are this is what is going on. It may be a negative experience that has been recent, or from childhood or from when you were in the womb or past life memories stored in your cells. Due to the huge changes that are coming we are being called to lighten up physically and emotionally. If you choose to do nothing it is likely that the future will be much much rougher for you in this life and after. Now is the time.