What Theta Healing Resolves

  •  Physical (illness or accident) issues of any kind, including chronic pain
  • Depression….mild, moderate or severe.  Severe depression for longer than a few months has been proven to shrink the brain, resulting in many severe physical and other issues
  • Addictions of all kinds; to substances (legal and illegal), food,, money, your thoughts and emotions
  •  Emotional issues that you: (a) are consciously or subconsciously are hodling onto……grudges, resentments, anger, jealousy and/or hatred toward yourself, others and God (Creator)
    (b) need to release…… sadness, lack of self worth, rejection, guilt or shame over an event that happened some time ago
    (c) have been traumatized by. These old traumas often result in energetic blockages that affect you physically, financially, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually
  • Conscious and subconscious limiting and conflicting beliefs that have been holding you back.  Examples of conflicting beliefs are “God loves me” and “God hates me”; or “I want to be financially solvent” and “Money is the root of all evil”
  •  You being unable to fully manifest what you truly desire in your in every aspect of your life.
  •  Relationship issues.  Healing a relationship does not necessarily mean you will remain in that relationship, unless it is in your highest and best good.  Theta Healing often answers or clarifies emotional issues, including a healthier relationship by now being able to set clear, strong and healthy boundaries.  Healing relationships also includes with loved ones who have already made their transition.
  •  Parasites, viruses and bacteria that are harmful. This includes drawing boundaries or severing relationships with people who drain your energy, time and money.
  •  Instilling positive feelings that you may never have fully experienced before.  This includes feelings of joy, abundance, respect and honor.  You will now know what it feels like to live without negativity and feel worthy of God’s love,  as well as unconditional self-love.
  •  Chronic stress
  • Breaking any and all bad habits. These are merely repeating energy patterns that can easily be resolved.
  •  Lethargy
  •  Perfectionism
  • Debilitating and chronic indecisiveness
  •  DNA repair including DNA that holds traumatic cellular memories; scientists used to think of this DNA as junk!  Changing your DNA is a vital part of what enables you to reach your full potential.
  •  Repairing chromosomes (long stands of DNA) damaged by aging.  The telomeres (caps) of DNA strands fray from aging and can be energetically repaired.
  •  Helping those who have made, or are in the process of making their transition from Earth, and their families who are still here
  • Traumatic fetal memory…..typically, Mother was stressed or ill, etc.
  •  A wounded soul; caused for example, by chronic and/or severe abuse
  •  Ending vows and oaths, from this or other lifetimes
  • Soul sickness…..unable to function, ready to give up from feeling that you are not on your path
  • Spiritual crisis, including dark night of the soul….feeling like life is unbearable
  • Ending curses and psychic hooks or attacks by others
  • Releasing etheric cords of attachment that do not serve you.  This includes unhealthy attachments you have to others, as well as other people’s energy cords that have attached to you.
  • Radiation detox…. a bigger issue than in the past for most of us
  • Releasing traumatic free floating memories resulting from an accident or illness, including during anesthesia, abuse, or drunkenness.
  •  Gene replacement or repair of defective genes, including ones involved in addictions
  • Soul fragments; retrieving pieces of yours as well as returning ones that you hold that belong to another person.  Your soul fragments (which are part of your essence) also hold your power (or that of others if you have soul fragments of others stuck in your energy field).   One way these fragments are transferred is during intense verbal or physical exchanges with another person or group
  •  Replacing your spirit guides when helpful; sometimes you can outgrow one of them!

It is also important to understand that the root cause of your problems may not be what you think. For example, you may feel pain in your body, yet the source of the pain may be an emotion that you subconsciously hold.  Another example is that you may be upset that you are poor, not realizing that perhaps anger you are subconsciously holding toward God, yourself or another is holding you back.  Anger and judgment are energies of separation; not unity, harmony and wholeness.

Unless you request otherwise, Theta Healing is done on everything you need help with, whether or not you are conscious of the issues.  For a free 15 minute consultation or set up a Theta Healing session call me at 772-321-6788 from 9 am to 8 pm EST or email me using the Contact me button  (fee $85 or if financial hardship, a lower sliding scale).